The Greensborough Patriot
Aug. 7, 1862
Page 1
From the Knoxville Register.
Incidents of the Battle
of Murfreesboro—Capt.
Col. Forrest’s command were
marching through Cannon county on their way to Murfreesboro, the citizens crowded the
thoroughfares cheering our gallant men with every demonstration of joy. The ladies everywhere where particularly
enthusiastic. Some of the citizens of
Cannon had been arrested and were confined in prison at Murfreesboro.
The ladies besought our men with tears in their eyes to rescue their
husbands and fathers from the hands of the tyrant. One little girl ran up to that old patriot
and soldier, Capt. Haney, of the 1st Georgia Cavalry, and wringing
her hands implored him to bring her father back to her again. The old man turned to her with his whole soul
beaming in his face, and exclaimed, while the manly tear started to his eyes—“I
will, my daughter! I will!” The result proved the truth of his
words. The Captain was the first to
enter the Court House where the prisoners were confined and that child’s heart
has been made glad by the safe return of the father to the household roof.
our little army went dashing into Murfreesboro
awaking the echoes by the rattling of their horses hoofs “o’er the stony
streets,” the whole population were aroused from their slumbers and rushed to
their windows balconies and verandas with every demonstration of delight. Ladies could be seen kneeling in postures of
thankfulness to Heaven for the day of their deliverance. As the morning advanced and the fight
thickened the same fair ones were in the streets in spite of the whistling of
balls and rain of lead administering to the wants of our soldiers, filling their
canteens with water, and their haversacks with an abundance of provisions. Unheeding the shots from the enemy’s guns,
they thought only of the comfort of their gallant champions. One lady received a ball through her dress,
whilst another had her parasol shot from her hand, the ball passing within two
inches of her jeweled fingers. Such
heroism has never been known in the annals of war, and will illuminate to the
remotest generation of the history of our glorious land.
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company of Federals were in possession of the Court House, and were shooting
our soldiers in all directions from the windows above. Col.
Morrison, (1st Georgia) dismounted three of his companies and
ordered them to charge the building, which they did in most gallant style
rushing through the public square to the very doors of the edifice, under a
most galling fire of musketry. Conscious
that the loss of life to our men would be terrible by attempting to pass up the
stairway, the building was immediately set on fire, when the Yankees above bawled
out lustily for quarters. The fire was
extinguished, the whole company surrendered, and our imprisoned fellow citizens
were happily released. Old Capt. Haney
was the first man to enter the Court House and to receive in his arms the
liberated captives.
in the day Col. Morrison was surprised to see the old hero rushing towards him
frantic with joy; and exclaimed “Colonel, I’ll be d----d if I haven’t taken
Gen. Crittenden and all his staff!” “You
don’t say so Captain,” answered the Colonel.—“If I haven’t there’s no h-ll!”
exclaimed the old man and passed on to new deeds of heroism and glory.
Haney is near sixty years of age, and commands a company from Floyd and Polk
counties in Georgia. His men love him as a father. He is a great favorite with his entire
regiment, and wherever he goes with his genial and benignant face, and his
paternal fondness for the “boys” he is greeted with enthusiasm and is blessed
with the heart offerings of those to whom he is so dear.
he is but a type of a nation of such warriors.