Greensborough Patriot

April 3, 1862

Page 1

Capt. John Morgan Again

            A gentleman just arrived here from Nashville, says the Memphis Avalanche of the 14th, states that Capt. Morgan was sent out on a scout with a detachment of his squadron near Laverno, and had a skirmish with the enemy’s pickets- killing seven then, and taking about as many prisoners.  Capt. Morgan was entering the turnpike from a lane, and was alone, when he suddenly came in contact with a cavalier, who said to Morgan, “Halt, and dismount!”  The reply was, “I am Capt. John Morgan, and do not obey Federal commands; draw your pistol, sir; we are upon an equality.”  The Federal replied: “We are not, sir”- at the same time making a quick motion with his hand to his side- when the valiant Captain fired, and “down went a Federal meeting house!”  He fell dead- and turned out to be the veritable Capt. Wilson, of Gen. Howell’s staff, who planted the Federal flag on the capitol at Nashville!  Morgan is certainly the intrepid Marion of the war.


[Transcribed by: Sharon Strout]