Mobile Register

June 30, 1861

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            HOW THE VIRGINIA “UNIONISTS” MADE THEIR ESCAPE—A dispatch from Hagerstown, Md., (June 20,) to the Northern press, says:

            Capt. Cook, well known for his distinguished services as commander of the Home Guards of Sharpsburg, arrived here this evening, and reports that the Virginia pickets have re-appeared at various points along the Potomac river.  Sixty appeared at Harper’s Ferry this morning to arrest Union men who had returned there.

            At 12 o’clock to-day a company of Cavalry appeared at the Ferry, when the citizens immediately crossed the river in boats, swam, or any other available mode of escape.  They were fired upon by the Secession troops, and nineteen citizens killed and wounded.  Many had their clothing pierced with bullets.

            Yesterday at two o’clock the people above Harper’s Ferry raised a Union flag.  The Confederates fired upon it.  Their pickets appeared also to-day at dam No. 4.