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Hillsborough Recorder (NC)

Hillsborough Recorder (NC)

May 22, 1861

Page 2


                             HIGHLY IMPORTANT FROM MISSOURI

            St. Louis, May 10—Gen. Frost’s brigade of Missouri militia, encamped at Camp Jackson, on the western outskirts of the city, surrendered unconditionally this afternoon, on demand of Capt. Lyon, commander of the United States forces of this city.  Capt. Lyon marched on Camp Jackson with some 6,000 volunteers, surrounded it, and planted eight field pieces on the adjoining eminence.  The following letter was sent from Capt. Lyon to Gen. Frost:

                                                Head Quarters U. S. Troops

                                                St. Louis, May 10

            To General D. M. Frost: SIR—Your command is regarded as evidently hostile towards the Government of the United States.  It is for the most part made up of those Secessionists who have openly avowed their hostility to the General Government and have been plotting the seizure of its property and the overthrow of its authority.  You are openly in communication with the so-called Southern Confederacy, which is at moral war with the United States; and you are receiving at your camp from said Confederacy under its flag, large supplies of material of war, most of which is known to be the property of the United States.  These extraordinary preparations plainly indicate none other than the well known purpose of the Governor of this State, under whose orders you are acting and whose purpose, recently communicated to the legislature, has just been responded to by that body in the most unparalleled legislation, having in direct view hostilities to the general government, and co-operating with their enemies.  In view of these considerations, and your failure to disperse, in obedience to the proclamation of the President, and of the eminent necessity of State policy and welfare, and obligations imposed upon me by instructions from Washington, it is my duty to demand, and I do hereby demand, of you an immediate surrender of your command with no other conditions than that all persons surrendering under this demand shall be humanely and kindly treated.  Believing myself prepared to enforce this demand, one half hour’s time before doing so will be allowed for your compliance therewith.

                                                N. LYON

                                                Captain Second Infantry, Commanding Troops


            It is understood that General Frost says this letter was not received by him, until his camp was surrounded by United States troops.  He then replied that the encampment was organized under the law of the State, simply for organizing and drilling the volunteer militia of the military district.  Not expecting any demonstration, he was unprepared successfully to resist attack; therefore, he accepted the terms specified, and surrendered his command—about 800 men there in camp, a large number being in the city on leave.  They then laid down their arms, and were escorted to the city as prisoners of war.

            A release on parade has been tendered the officers and troops, providing they would take an oath not to take up arms again against the government of the United States, which they declined, on the ground that it implied they had already taken up arms against the government, which they disclaimed.  Just before the troops left for the city, and while the State forces were drawn up between the two lines of volunteers, and a few pistol shots fired by excited parties in the surrounding crowd, which was composed of a large number of citizens, including many women.  One shot took effect in the leg of Capt. Brantowski, and as he fell he gave the order to fire, which was obeyed by some two or three companies, resulting in the death of upwards of twenty persons, including two women and several children, and badly wounding several others. 

            The following are the only names of those killed that can be ascertained tonight: Messrs. Walter McDonald, Thomas A. Havens, Nicholas Knoblack, Emily Summers.  The following are fatally wounded: Claiborne Wilson and Truman Wright.

            Intense excitement exists in this city.  Large bodies of men are thronging the streets.

            The Democrat and Auzeyer offices have been threatened by the mob, but through the promptness of the Chief of Police, McDonough, any violent demonstration, thus far, has been prevented. 

            All gin shops in the city are guarded by an armed police force, and about 200 have been detained to protect the Democrat and Auzeyer offices.


                                                St. Louis, May 12

            Another terrible tragedy was enacted last here last night.  As the Home Guards were marching through the streets, they were followed by an immense crowd, who hooted and hissed at the hireling soldiery.  During the excitement, a boy discharged a pistol in their rear, frightening the poor creatures very much.  The company fired upon the crowd, and their whole column was thrown into great confusion.  Becoming totally disordered, and breaking ranks, they fired down their own line as well as among the crowd on the sidewalks.  Four of the soldiers and four citizens were killed, and a great many wounded.  The wildest excitement prevailed.

            Gen. Harney, (the same who was taken prisoner at Harper’s Ferry a few days since) has issued his proclamation.  He expresses much regret at the existing state of things, and says that the military under his command will only be used in the last extremity.  He hopes that he will not be compelled to resort to martial law.

            The surrender of Camp Jackson had caused great excitement in the Legislature now in session.  The Bill for arming the State has passed both Houses.  The State Treasury has been removed, as well as all the powder purchased by the State.  The citizens are everywhere enrolling themselves into a Home Guard, in obedience to a call of Gov. Jackson.

            One thousand Illinois mercenaries are stationed at a place called Caseyville, only seven miles distant from St. Louis.


[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]


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