Greensborough Patriot
February 19, 1863
Page 1
TERRIBLE ACCIDENT—We have just received a letter from Rev. Jos. Dunn, Jr., dated at Holly Shelter, New Hanover county, Feb’y 6th, stating that on the preceding evening at 7 o’clock, while it was raining, the roof of one of the tents of his Company , (Co. F, 16th Reg’t.) fell, burying eight men under it, several others having escaped by jumping out in time. The roof had to be removed piece by piece, amidst the agonizing groans of the wounded. Calvin R. Jones was said to be so badly hurt as to leave no hope of his recovery, though still alive; Noah Yates dangerously wounded; George Trotter and Hilliard Hill badly; and William Nance slightly. The others uninjured. The tent was built of rails then a layer of straw and dirt. Mr. Dunn urges more attention to having tents made strong.
[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]