From The Greensborough Patriot
March 6, 1862 – Pg. 2
Guilford in Motion.
whole Guilford Militia has for the last week or ten days been in a state of
commotion. So far, order and good
feeling has prevailed. The draft in the
68th Regiment took place Saturday last. As soon as the companies that are being
formed are organized, we will give a statement showing the number in service
from Guilford.
is still going on quite briskly. The
following gentlemen are forming volunteer companies for the war, with fair
prospects of early success, viz:
E. Shober, Lt. Jas. T. Morehead, Jr., Lt. Watlington; dr. A. P. McDaniel; David
Scott, Jr., (who was in the Bethel fight) and perhaps othes. The old companies from Guilford have also lately received large
numbers of recruits. From present
indications, Guilford will do her part in
achieving the Independence
of the Southern Confederacy.