Greensborough Patriot
Aug. 28, 1862
Page 3
White’s Battalion Partisan Rangers—All
officers and others who have enlisted men for my corps of Partisan Rangers, and
all others who have or may desire to join the corps will appear at
Greensborough, N. C., on MONDAY, September 1st, 1862, when the
companies not now organized will be mustered into service by Capt. Brenizer.
officer elected as Captain of each company will immediately forward his
muster-rolls to me, together with requisitions for equipment, etc., and as soon
thereafter, will report with his command to me at Richmond, Va., for orders.
Major, Partisan Rangers
attention of those between the ages of 35 and 45 years, who will be subject to
the Conscription act about to be passed by Congress, is called to the last
opportunity of volunteering.
[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]