Greensborough Patriot
December 11, 1862
Page 3
Enrollment of Conscripts-Another Call
Coble, commanding the 68th Regiment, North Carolina Militia, has
received orders from Col. Mallott to enroll all white
persons in his Regiment, embraced in the last Conscription Act, the enrollment
to take place in Greensborough on the 20th instant. For the information of all concerned, we
publish the following order, issued by the Colonel to the Captain of the
several companies of his Regiment:
are hereby ordered to notify all white men, who are residents of your district
embracing refugees, between the ages of 18 and 40 years to assemble in the town
of Greensborough on the 20th day of December, 1862, for enrollment
under a recent order from the Commandant of Conscripts.
persons who may desire to volunteer, must do so before the 20th of
December, the day set apart for enrollment, and must join Companies which were
in the service of the Confederate States on the 16th of April, 1862.
claiming exemption on the ground that they have put substitutes in service must
exhibit to the enrolling officer a discharge from some company, signed by the
Commanding officer of the Regiment in command to which the said company
belongs, or by the Commandant of Conscripts—said discharge or exemption must
show that it was granted in consideration of a substitute having been
furnished, and that the substitute is under 18, or above 40 years of age.
conscripts engaged on Government work, will be enrolled and on that day upon
presentation of their certificate of detail will be returned to their work.
for exemption must in all cases, be made to the enrolling officer, through the
Colonel of the Regiment—duplicate copies of said application being made in
writing, sworn to before a Justice of the Peace, and bearing the certificate of
the clerk of the Court given under the county seal.
COBLE, Col. Com.
Regt. N. C. M.
[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]