From The Greensborough Patriot

Jan. 9, 1862 – Pg. 1




No. 5.

An Ordinance to transfer certain Companies to Col. Green’s Regiment.

            Be it ordained.  That the Governor of this State be, and he is hereby authorized, if he shall deem it expedient, to transfer to Col. Green’s Regiment of volunteers, the two companies now at High Point, under the command of Captains Cook and Sharp: Provided That Capt. Cook shall first return to the Governor or the Adjutant General of this State, all such public moneys and orders for public money, as he has heretofore received for the purchase of guns: and, Provided further, That the said companies shall not be so transferred unless all the officers, non-commissioned officers and privates of said companies shall first signify their assent thereto in writing.

Ratified 6th of December, 1861.