From The Greensborough Patriot

Jan. 23, 1862 – Pg. 3


The 27th Regiment.

            The resignation of Col. Singletary having been accepted, an election for Colonel of the 27th was ordered some time ago which election resulted in the elevation of Lt. Col. John Sloan to the command of the Regiment, and at an election subsequently held Major Thomas B. Singletary was elected Lt. Colonel and Lieut. John A. Gilmer, Jr. was elected Major.  These gentlemen are all zealous in the discharge of their duties and under them good service may be expected of the 27th in the hour of danger.

            Col. Sloan and Major Gilmer are both citizens of Greensborough, and their friends here are gratified at the confidence reposed in them by their fellow soldiers.  That they will both prove themselves in all respects worthy of this confidence, we entertain no doubt.