From The Greensborough Patriot

July 3, 1862 – Pg. 2

Volunteer Now!—Major Mallett, Conscript Officer for the State of North Carolina, will in about three weeks, enroll and send into actual service, ALL CONSCRIPTS, and no choice of officers or the arm of service will then be given, but ALL will be compelled to go into such company as they may be assigned to.

            I am authorized to raise at least a Battalion of PARTISAN RANGERS to operate in “Stonewall” Jackson’s department.  I call upon Southerners to come out at once and join the most attractive arm of the service, choose your own officers, receive usual BOUNTY, PAY, and VALUE OF ALL CAPTURES from the enemy.  Men, whether subject to the Conscript act or not, will be received and enlisted either as cavalry or infantry.

            Persons desiring to recruit, or those wishing to volunteer, will apply to me at Ordnance Office, Greensborough, N. C.


Major Partisan Rangers.