The Greensborough Patriot

Aug. 7, 1862

Page 3


Tribute of Respect.


At a meeting of the members of Co. A, 6th N. C. S. T. being desirous of expressing their feelings of regret, at the death of their brother, John W. Coltrain, who fell mortally wounded at Malvern Hill, July 1st.

On motion, Corpl. J. M. Curtis, was called to the chair, Jos. O. Alston was appointed Secretary, where upon the following committee were appointed, to draft resolutions, Lieut. Thomas A. Rice; Priv. F. H. Dawson, and Corpl. M. H. Cox.  The committee submitted the following, preamble and resolutions which were adopted by the company.

WHEREAS, It has pleased God in his infinite wisdom, to take from our midst, our beloved brother, John W. Coltrain, who fell, mortally wounded, while bravely fighting for his country, at Malvern Hill, Tuesday July 1st, and has since died from his wounds, July 7th.  He was among the first to respond to the call of the late lamented Col. Charles F. Fisher, and was in the battle of Manassas, and had been with his company, in all the engagements before Richmond, and has always conducted himself in a soldierly and orderly manner, much to the satisfaction of his officers and comrades.  He was a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church from early youth, and lived according to the teachings of the scriptures.

Resolved, That in the death of our comrade, this company has lost one of its bravest, and dearest members, he was a man whose sense of duty was unswerved by fear, favor, or rewards, and indeed we feel that we have suffered an irreparable loss in him as a friend and companion.

Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the family of the deceased in their grief, and most cheerfully accord them our cordial condolence, and that a copy of these resolutions be furnished them as a token of our regard for the deceased, and our hearty sympathy with them in their severe affliction.

Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the Greensborough Patriot.

Corpl. J. M. CURTIS, Chairman.

JAS. O. ALSTON, Secretary.