Greensborough Patriot

Aug. 28, 1862

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Tribute of Respect

                                                            54th Regt. N. C. Troops

                                                            Camp Campbell, N. C.

            At a meeting of the Sergeants of the Stonewall Boys, Company F, 54th N. C. Regiment, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted:

            WHEREAS, It has pleased God in his wisdom and kind providence to remove from our midst, our much esteemed companion in arms, Sergeant S. Dallas Hooper, who died of typhoid fever at this camp on the 5th inst, therefore,

            Resolved, That in his death our country has lost one of its truest and most promising sons—one who has proved his devotion to her by giving up home and the endearments thereof for the tented field  there to die—that our company has lost one of its most popular, active and efficient members , who was ever at his post, ready to meet a Vandal foe—and whose noble and manly qualities endeared him to us, his companions in arms—that in his death we have suffered an irreparable loss.  We all loved him dearly and were proud of such a companion—we now lament him sadly, and acknowledge that a noble young man has died in a glorious cause—in the defence [sic] of his native land.

            Resolved, That we extend our sympathies to his family and many friends in their grief for his early death, which from his moral, intellectual and social worth must distress them sorely—and as a token of our high regard for the deceased, and heart-felt sympathies for his family in their severe affliction we furnish them a copy of these resolutions.

            Resolved, That we send a copy of these resolutions to the Greensborough Patriot and the World for publication.

                                                            Sergt. T. J. GARRETT, Com.

                                                            Sergt. C. W. OGBURN, Com.

                                                            Sergt. S. K. APPLE, Com.      

                                                            Sergt. G. W. TATUM, Com.

                                                            O. Sergt. J. S. RAGSDALE, Ch’m


[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]