Greensboro Patriot

January 15, 1863

Page 4


Camp Near Fredericksburg, Va.

December 24, 1862


Last Notice—The following named privates of Co. B, 27th N. C. Infantry will be published and treated as deserters, unless they report to me either by letter or in person, at the expiration of 15 days.

John Coltrain, Wm. D. Denniss, H. S. Forbis, J. H. Grant, Geo. Lemons, Jas. M. Lemons, Wm. Horney, R. B. McLean, John W. McNairy, Rasper Poe, Wm. Seats, John T. Sockwell, A. L. Stanley, E. F. Shuler.


Capt. Co. B, 27th N.C. Infantry


[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]