Greensboro Patriot

January 15, 1863

Page 4


Attention Officers 67th N. C. M

The following named soldiers have been reported as absent without leave; you will arrest and bring them to Greensboro’ that they may be forwarded to camp at Raleigh.  Those who are sick or unfitted for duty you will let remain.

            James. H. Peace, Henry Pitts, Albert Peoples, J. W. Lee, James Fowlks, Wesley Gray, A. Selvey, Samuel Foster, M. Caffey, P. Reynolds, T. King, L. Farmington, Burgess Walls, James Pascel, George Ward, George Alexander, R. H. Kirkman, James M. Smith.


Col. Com. 67th Regt. N. C. M.


[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]