Greensborough Patriot

February 5, 1863

Page 4


Died—In Moore’s Hospital, Richmond, Va., J. W. Yates in the 24th year of his age.  He was a member of Capt. C. C. Cole’s Co 22 Regt N. C. Troops.

Just as his life began to bloom,

He volunteered and left his home;

His home, his friends, a mother kind,

He bravely left them all behind.


Whenever his friends would ask him stay,

He would as often tell them fey;

How pleasant then for me to know,

He was among the first to go.


He suffered hardships not a few,

Which gave his fame a deeper hue;

Richer still—‘tis marked with blood,

Which from his wounded body flowed.


His sufferings he with patience bore,

But now he’ll never suffer more;

For on the field of perfect love,

His spirit soared to realms above.


When on death’s gloomy shore he lay,

He looked on high and oft would say,

He longed to cross the stream and rest,

In heaven with the host of blest.

Beaumont, N. C.


[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]