Greensborough Patriot

February 12, 1863

Page 3


All Men Between the Ages of 18 and 40, Liable to Conscription

By an order from the Secretary of War, are allowed to enter any company now in the service by volunteering before they are taken in the encampment of Conscripts.  I have just seen Governor Vance, and he informs me that all the men enrolled under the order from the Adjutant General of the State, dated November 27th, 1862, embracing all between the ages of 18 and 40 years old, will be ordered into camp in a very short time, the delay of two months since his order to enroll them being occasioned by necessary arrangements for facilitating the execution of the law.  To allow all Conscripts a choice of companies and regiments, I am detailed by General Lee to receive Conscripts and volunteers for any regiment in his army, without passing them through camps of instruction, in the ordinary manner, allowing them all the bounties and privileges of original volunteers.  When once taken to the camp of instruction, they will not be allowed any choice of companies or officers.

All who volunteer will be allowed pay from the day of enlistment, commutation for rations until they reach the army, and transportation.

The following Non-commissioned Officers and Privates from the 23rd North CarolinaTroops, are detailed to assist me and persons more convenient of access to them can be enrolled by them: viz:

Serg’t H. Williams, Company H., Danbury, Stokes County;  Corp’l R. S. Rogers, Company G., Independence, Caswell County;  Private W. A. Tuttle, Company A., Lenoir, Caldwell County;  Private S. J. Choate, Company F., Glade Spring, Allegheny County;  Private A. M. Kivett, Company M., New Salem, Randolph County.

I am authorized to receive volunteers for the 22nd Regiment, or any Regiment in Gen. Lee’s Army, which the volunteer may prefer.  I hope every patriot, not legally exempt from conscription will immediately rally around his country’s banner now waving in such glorious triumph, that its triumph may be more glorious, in the permanent establishment of our independence.

My Head Quarters will be for a few weeks, in Greensboro, N. C., and volunteers are earnestly requested to come forward and enlist before they are forcibly carried off to the camp of conscripts.

C. C. COLE, Major

22nd Regiment N. C. T.


[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]