Greensborough Patriot

February 19, 1863

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For the Patriot

Tribute of Respect

At a meeting of the members of Company K, 63rd Regiment N.C. Troops, held February 3rd, 1863, in commemoration of the death of our late companions in arms- and esteemed fellow soldiers, Sergt. J. T. Pierce, and privates G. W. Summers and W. L. Edwards, the following resolutions were adopted:

            Resolved, That we the members of Company K, 63rd Regiment, N. C. Troops, do bow in humble submission to the decrees of an Allwise Providence which have recently removed from our midst our esteemed and beloved fellow soldiers, Sergt. J. T. Pierce and privates G. W. Summers and W. L. Edwards.

            Resolved, that while we thus bow to the decrees of an Allwise God, our hearts are smitten with sorrow, while we brood over the loss of our esteemed friends.

            Resolved, That in their untimely death the Confederate States have lost three brave and faithful soldiers, and their companions in arms worthy and true friends.

            Resolved, That in testimony of our sympathy for the bereaved families and friends of these departed spirits, we forward a copy of these resolutions to their bereaved companions, and also a copy to the Greensborough Patriot, and the Western Democrat for publication.

Lieut. B. F. SIMMONS, Committee

Serg.  J. P. ALDERSON, Committee

Corp. R. CAMERON, Committee

Captain J. E. WHARTON, Chairman

[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]