Greensborough Patriot
May 8,
Page 1
We have seen letters,
says the Knoxville Register, from Major Morgan and Gen. Mchaffey, written from
Qualla Town, N.C., which show that the Major’s trip to the Cherokees has been
eminently successful.—
The Major expects to reach Knoxville with his dusky
warriors by the 25th of this month.
We make the following extract from Gen. Mchaffey’s letter, which is
dated April 15th:
“We reached here (Qualla Town) last
Monday. Our arrival created considerable
excitement among the Indians. We had a
meeting at this place which was largely attended, a number of Chiefs being
present. They are volunteering finely. We enrolled 102 men in this county, and I
think we will get 100 more on Valley
River. We leave today for Webster,
and from there to Murphy. Maj. Morgan
has thoroughly aroused. When we received
the joyful news of our victory at Corinth,
the Indians gave a war hoop which made the mountains ring.—
Major Morgan is the greatest man I
ever saw; the Indians are all well pleased with him, and I think he is the only
man who could have got up such an enthusiasm among them. We will have as fine a body of men as ever
went into the service.”