From The Greensborough Patriot
Jan. 9, 1862 – Pg. 1
A New Gun.
Asa George of this place has invented a cannon which is both novel and
ingenious. We witnessed a trial made
recently, and for rapid firing and accuracy it beats anything we have heard of. It works on the revolving principle, the
loaded chambers being made to revolve round to the barrel by working a lever
sideways. The man who is to fire the gun
takes his seat near the breach and can load and fire it about sixteen times in
a minute. With three men to work the
piece, it could be fired probably seventy-five times per minute. We know very little about such things, but it
is the opinion of military men that the invention might be turned to good account
during the present war. Capt. George has
a letter from Gen. Hill, who examined the gun before it was brought to its
present perfection, saying that he is “satisfied of its great efficiency and
value.” Capt. George is a mechanic of
small means, and not able to continue experiments and have the gun more
thoroughly tested and thus brought prominently before the public; but if it was
in the hands of some person or a company who had the money to spare, the
invention might be made profitable and useful.—Charlotte Democrat.