Greensborough Patriot

October 23, 1862

Page 1


            Information wanted of Andrew Watson, of Moore county, North Carolina, a private in the army, who was put on board the cars at Richmond, some ten days ago, in a sick and helpless condition, on his way homeward.  He had left Richmond but a day or two before his aged and distressed mother arrived in that city in quest of him.  We saw this sorrowing parent last Saturday, on her return home, and take this method of trying to procure the information she so much desires.  Should this meet the eye of the object of her affections and pursuit, or of any person cognizant of his whereabouts, he would be instrumental in binding up a broken heart, by communicating immediately with this office.

            Editors with whom we exchange will please notice, and reap a reward more precious than gold.

            --Raleigh Journal—


[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]