Hillsborough Recorder (NC)
May 29, 1861
Page 3
The Hawfields Company—On Wednesday last we witnessed the
departure of the Hawfields company from Mabanesville for the camp at Charlotte, where they will be
drilled under the inspection and instruction of the officers of the Military
Academy located there. It was as fine a
company as we need wish to see. Many of
them are professors of religion, and all of them are of exemplary moral and
sober habits: giving assurance that they will do their duty in whatever position
they may be placed. The company numbered
about seventy; the following are their officers:
James W. Wilson, Captain
Robert N. Carter, First
Benjamin F. White,
Second Lieutenant
C. Dixon, Third Lieutenant
B. T. Mebane, Orderly
A large number of
relatives and friends and neighbors assembled to witness their departure and to
wish them “God speed.” A very handsome
flag, provided by the ladies of the neighborhood, was presented to them through
the agency of the Rev. A. G. Hughes, with an appropriate address. The flag was received and the thanks of the
company returned by Capt. James W. Wilson in a few neat, brief and feeling
remarks. The ceremony was concluded with
prayer by the Rev. Mr. Hughes.
The company is
attached to Col. Ch. F. Fisher’s regiment, and expects to be in service for
three years, or during the war. They
left in good spirits, amid the loud cheers and waving of handkerchiefs of the
large crowd of male and female friends assembled.
by Sharon Strout]