Hillsborough Recorder (NC)
Page 3
Lieut. W. P. Mangum—The remains of Lieut. William Preston Mangum, the only son of Senator Mangum, of this county, who was mortally wounded in the battle of Manassas on the 31st of July, were brought up on the train on Thursday morning last. A large number of citizens assembled at the depot to receive the body, and it was escorted through the town by a long procession of sorrowing friends, solemnized by the tolling of the bells of all the churches and the court House; the flag of the town was displayed at half-mast. Several young gentlemen of the town accompanied the corpse to the residence of his father, where it was entered in the family burying ground. Lieut. Mangum had but just entered the first years of manhood and was highly esteemed among his acquaintances for his many virtues.
[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]