Greensborough Patriot
Oct. 2, 1862
Page 2
Died—On the 17th inst., at
his father’s residence, in Randolph county, N. C. Sergt.
B. L. Brookshire, youngest son of Benjamin and Mary Brookshire, in the 23rd
year of his age. The deceased was a
member of Capt. Parham’s company, 54th Regiment, N. C. T. He was detailed and sent to his native county
for the purpose of taking up deserters, but had not left camp for a few days
before he was taken with Diphtheria and fortunately arrived at his father’s the
day after he was attacked, where he met with kind friends who did everything
for his recovery, but all in vain. The
death of so excellent a young man deserves more than a passing notice. His distinguished characteristics were great
energy and perseverance in whatever he undertook. Together with fine social qualities which he
ever gained for him the esteem and good will of all with whom he came in
contact. At home he was as especial favorite,
and in his death his parents have lost a dutiful son, his brothers and sisters
a kind and loving brother, and the South a faithful soldier.