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Greensborough Patriot

Greensborough Patriot

April 3, 1861


From the Raleigh Register

General Gideon J. Pillow

            This brave and distinguished officer who during this war, has passed unscathed through two of the bloodiest and most hotly contested battles ever fought on this continent, arrived in this city on Saturday morning last, and stopped at the Yarborough House.  In the afternoon of Saturday, a large number of our citizens, being exceedingly anxious to see, and hear the distinguished gentleman speak, assembled in front of the Court House and appointed a Committee, consisting of the Mayor and other citizens, to wait upon General P. and request him to address them with which request the gallant officer very obligingly complied.  Upon being conducted to the Court House, the Court room was in a few minutes crowded to it utmost capacity by a large and intelligent audience.  Gen. P. was introduced by Mayor Root, and arose and addressed the audience for about an hour, in one of the most interesting speeches to which we have ever listened.  We should do the speaker injustice to attempt to report his remarks, as we took no notes; but we will attempt to give, briefly, though incoherently, the substance of his speech.

            General Pillow said that from the first he was confident that the attempt of the Southern to withdraw from the Northern States would involve the country in a desperate struggle.  He did not from the first believe that secession could be accomplished peaceably; yet, he had advocated it and urged it upon the people of the South as the lesser of two evils.  He believed that it would be better for the South to withdraw from the North, even though that step might involve the two sections in a prolonged and bloody war.  While he felt confident, however, that the North would resist to the bitter end the attempt of the Southern States to secede, he had no idea of the gigantic proportions which the struggle would assume.  When Fort Sumpter fell, he hastened to Montgomery, and offered his services to President Davis, and offered also to bring 10,000 Tennesseeans to the aid of the Confederate States if he should desire it.  He thought that his experience as well as his former rank in the U. S. Army, entitled him to some consideration at the hands of the President, for he outranked every officer in the armies of either the Confederate or United States.  He was a Major General in the old U. S. Army, and when he rendered his services to the President, bore the commission of Major General of the forces of his own state, Tennessee.  Notwithstanding these facts, when President Davis did tender him a commission, he placed him at the tail end of the Bridgadiers.  If it had been Jefferson Davis whom he wanted to serve, he would have hurled the commission back in his face.  But he was not serving Jefferson Davis, but was serving his country, and felt willing therefore, to serve that country in any capacity to which he might be assigned.

            General P. then went on to refer to the battle of Fort Donelson.  He said that leaving Columbus about the first of January, he returned to his home quite sick.  When he had yet hardly recovered from his illness, he was ordered by Gen. Sidney Johnson to report to him at Bowling Green, to which place he forthwith repaired.  When arrived there, Gen. Johnson told him that he desired him (Gen. P.) to go to Fort Donelson and take command of the forces there assembled.  Gen. P. demurred at taking command of the Fort, for he said Gen. Johnson must have known that the Fort could not be held; and besides, he had no command there- his command was at Columbus, where, he stated to Gen. J., he would prefer going.  Gen. Johnson replied that Fort Donelson must be held, that he had selected General Pillow to hold it, and that he must do so.  Gen. P. then urged no further objection, but proceeded to obey the orders of his superior officer.  Arriving at Fort Donelson on the 11th of February he found that but little progress had been made in strengthening the fortification, and that the soldiers were greatly demoralized and disheartened because of the recent reverse they had sustained at Fort Henry.  He found that the defences of the Fort against the army’s gunboats consisted of eleven small guns, one rifled 32 pounder, and one 8 inch columbiad, the latter not being mounted.  He proceeded forthwith to move the gun and put the men to work with all their might night and day, strengthening the works.  On the morning of the 13th of February the attack commenced.  Here Gen. P. graphically described the fierce attack of the enemy’s gunboats and their signal ____, the successful ____ of ____ ____ ____ charge upon the trenches; and gave a thrilling description of the terrible battle of the 16th when our gallant soldiers made a desperate attempt to cut their way through the investing lines of the enemy.  This part of his speech, though of thrilling interest, was necessarily a repetition to a considerable extent of his Official Report, which we have already published.  After nine hours of as hard fighting as was ever witnessed on this continent, our forces finally succeeded in opening a passage through which our army intended retreating on the next morning.  All our forces were under arms and prepared to retreat from the works, when at three o’clock on the morning of the 16th information was received that the enemy had been largely reinforced, and had reoccupied the ground from which they had been driven the day before.  A consultation of the chief officers, consisting of Gens. Gloyd, Pillow and Buckner was held to decide what should be done.  Gen. P. proposed that they should again attempt to cut their way out, and that as they forced a passage, they should go on, leaving their dead and wounded on the battlefield.  Gen. Buckner, replied to this proposition that the men were completely exhausted, that they had been without rest or shelter, in the rain, snow and sleet for five days and nights, and without food, with the exception of raw beef- that it would cost the lives of three-fourths of their present numbers to cut their way out, and that no officer had a right to sacrifice three-fourths of an army to save one-fourth.  Gen. Pillow himself did not believe that the sacrifice of life would be so great, but Gen. Floyd, who was chief in command, being the senior officer, concurred with Gen. Buckner, and consequently this proposition was dropped.  Gen. Pillow then proposed that they should endeavor to hold out one day longer, saying that by night the boats which had gone up the river with the wounded and prisoners would return, when the whole force could be landed on the other side of the river, and thus escape through the country.  In reply to this Gen. Buckner said that the enemy already had possession of the right wing of defences-  that he was confident would be attacked at daybreak, and that in the demoralized and exhausted state of his troops he could not possibly repulse them, and consequently it was physically impossible to hold out another day.  Gen. Floyd conceded with Buckner in this view of the case, and Gen. Pillow’s opinion being overruled by the opinion of both of his senior and junior in command, no alternative was left, but to surrender.  Gen. Pillow then said, I for one will not surrender- I will die first.  Gen. Floyd said the same thing.  Gen. Buckner told them that they were placing the matter upon personal grounds- that they had no right to do so, and that if he was placed in command he would transfer it to him, provided he would allow him to withdraw his brigade.  Gen. Buckner consented, provided he would withdraw his Brigade before the surrender was made.  Gen. Floyd then turned to Gen. Pillow and said: “Gen. Pillow I turn over the command to you.”  Gen. P. replied, “I will not accept it.”  Gen. Floyd then transferred the command to Gen. Buckner, when Gens. Floyd and Pillow, the former accompanied by his Brigade, mostly Virginians, left and crossed the river, thereby affecting their escape.

            Gen. Pillow, to show that he was determined never to surrender to the Yankees, incidentally referred to the battle of Belmont where he was Chief in command.  At one time during the progress of this battle, when our men were forced by the overwhelming odds against them, General P. was hemmed in on three sides by the Yankee forces, and the fourth side was blocked up against almost impenetrable trees, which had been felled by our troops to impede the progress of the Yankees.  Gen. P. was the only officer who was mounted, his staff and other officers being dismounted by the enemy’s fire.  If he had ever thought of surrendering he must have done so here; but he had no idea of doing so here, or elsewhere.  He was mounted on a beautiful mare, which he called “Fannie Belmont,” and saying to her, “Fannie, you must take me out of this difficulty,” he turned her head to the open space, when she darted through the tops of the fallen trees like lightning, splitting through those which she could not leap over.  The Yankees seeing their prey escaping from their clutches, sent a shower of Minnie balls whistling by his ear, but “Fannie” took him out safely.

            In the face of the facts above detailed the President had thought proper to suspend him from command, and he was now on his way to Richmond in obedience to the order of his Secretary of War.  Though the President was a man of strong convictions and somewhat mulish, he did not believe that he would do any one intentional wrong.  He believed that the President was a sincere man, and a true patriot, and he was willing to abide any decision that might be the result of the investigation of his conduct.

            In conclusion Gen. Pillow stated that Gen. Albert Sidney Johnson was now hastening to the West to form a junction of his forces with those under Gen. Beauregard- that the enemy had already landed some 60,000 or 70,000 troops on the East bank of the Tennessee River, and that in two weeks a great battle would be fought on the borders of the State of Mississippi, which would have much influence in deciding the fate of our Confederacy.  He was now hastening to Richmond with dispatches from Gen. Johnson.  If we were whipped in this battle, the enemy would take possession of all the lines of railroad leading into ____ States, and Texas, Arkansas and Mississippi would be subjugated.  But if we should gain the victory the enemy will be driven, dispirited and routed, out of the Mississippi Valley, and the success of our cause will be insured.  Gen. P. urged our people as one man to put forth their whole strength in this great struggle, and to cease speculating and trying to make money, when no man knows how long he will be allowed to retain what he already has.  He gave a vivid picture of what our fate will be if we should be subjugated, saying that if the Yankee Government will tax the State $40,000,000 a year, they will reduce the State to the condition of a territory, and will appoint our Governor, legislators, Judges and other offices now elected by the people, and will perform other acts revolting to the feelings of every Southerner.  He urged our people, if they would escape this condition of affairs, to come up manfully to the work.  He aroused the audience very much by saying that if we had an “Andy Johnson” among us old Lincoln would make him our Governor.

            Gen. P. was frequently applauded during his interesting address, and was given three cheers at the conclusion of his speech.

            He left this city Sunday morning for Richmond.


[Transcribed by: Sharon Strout]


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