Hillsborough Recorder (NC)

May 1, 1861

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                                    STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA

                                  COMMISSARY DEPARTMENT

To R. S. TUCKER—Greeting:

            We, reposing special trust and confidence in your integrity and ability, do hereby appoint you Acting commissary, with the rank of Captain, in the Militia of North Carolina.

            In testimony whereof, John W. Ellis, our Governor, etc., hath signed with his hand these presents, and caused our great seal to be affixed therto.

            Done at the city of Raleigh, this 23rd day of April, A. D., 1861.

                                                JOHN W. WLLIS, Governor

                                                GRAHAM DAVES, Sec’y


                                                RALEIGH ENCAMPMENT

To the Patriotism of North Carolina:

            Any articles of food in the way of Beef, Mutton, Bacon, Bread, Flour, Corn, Hay, Oats, Fodder, etc., will be thankfully received from those who are able and willing to give; to those who are not, a fair price will be paid.  The Railroad will bring all articles for the use of the soldiers free.

            ‘Tis not necessary to say that the ladies will do their part.

            Direct to Capt. R. S. Tucker, assisted by C. H. Thompson and John G. Williams, Assistant Commissaries.

            We acknowledge a donation from William Grimes of one hundred barrels of corn, and from E. A. Whitaker a lot of provisions.

                                                R. S. TUCKER,

                                                Capt., Commissary Department



            We have just learned that Raleigh is to be the Headquarters of the troops, and that more than 5,000 will be in this city, soon.  We sincerely hope that our friends will send wood to either of the depots, or to the Fair Grounds, for the gallant and brave volunteers of the defenders of Southern homes and firesides, to cook their food with.

            Direct it to Capt. R. S. Tucker, and the railroad will bring it free.

            Messrs. Tucker, Williams and Thompson are engaged in the active discharge of duty.  Mr. Williams left on Wednesday evening for the Salisbury and Charlotte region of country to purchase provisions for the troops.  Persons who may have provisions to sell may rest assured that the legislature will promptly provide means to pay for them.

                                                --Raleigh Standard--