Hillsborough Recorder (NC)
May 22, 1861
Page 2
RALEIGH PERCUSSION CAP FACTORY—Owing to the skill of Professor Emmons in making the composition and the mechanical dexterity of Mr. Charles Kuester in using it for the requisite purpose, we shall have as much of that article so essential in war, percussion caps, as we may need. We have seen a specimen of the caps, and they fully answer the end in view. Prof. Emmons has also suggested the mode of manufacturing any quantity of the right sort of powder.
This is a beginning of enterprises by Southern people to supply themselves with things for which they have been so long dependent on their Northern enemies. We shall expect to see tanneries, manufactories of leather, of cloth, of hats, and every requisite for the comforts and necessities of life springing up all over the South.
--Raleigh Register--
[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]