Mobile Register
July 6, 1861
Page 2
RECAPTURE—The capture of the Hannah Balch, reported
under our telegraphic head as taken by a Southern privateer, is thus explained
by the Raleigh Register, of the 29th ult.:
“Hannah Blach,” an
hermaphrodite brig was captured recently off Savannah
by the United States
ship “Flag,” Lieut. Parton. She was just
from Cardenas,
and laden with 150 bbls. of
molasses. Her recapture was made by
Lieut. Crossan, of the steamer “Winslow,” North Carolina navy, on
the 25th instant, while on her way to a northern port in charge of
the Yankees.
following, from the same paper, referring to a previous affair, furnishes a
probable correction of the mistake by which the brig was described as a
Sunday afternoon last the North Carolina
steamer “Winslow,” Thomas M. Crossan, Lieutenant
Commanding, captured off Cape Hatteras the schooner “Transit,” Knowles master, last
from Key West. The prize was in ballast, having sailed from New York for Key
West with provisions, shot, etc. Having landed her cargo safely at Key West, the “Transit”
was upon her return North when captured.
She is a fine schooner, of 195 tons burthen, and belongs to New London.
note: bbls is abbreviation for barrels]
[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]