The Greensborough Patriot
Aug. 7, 1862
Page 2
Carolina had from 35 to 40 Regiments or pieces of Regiments, in
the late battle at Richmond,
and strange to say but 19 of these have had their casualties published. These 19 Regiments foot up a bill of casualties
of 2,454—129 to the Regiment; and yet, to hear some Virginians talk—the
braggarts, blusterers and beetle-headed upstarts—North
Carolinians have done no fighting!
And some go so far as to take a pleasure to say “North
Carolinians won’t fight.” But
in justice to those Virginians who are intelligent, high minded and brave, we
must say that such remarks come only from infamous cowards, who have more gab
than brains. Let North
Carolina’s blood that stains profusely nearly every battlefield in
Va. speak for the gallantry of her sons, who
mainly fought the Richmond battles; drove back
the enemy and saved Richmond. We would not be understood as claiming that
she did it all herself, but we do say she stands at the head of the list. God bless the plain Old State!
We are proud of her, though a citizen only by adoption—Milton Chronicle.