Hillsborough (NC) Recorder

July 10, 1861



                                         VOLUNTEERS FOR THE WAR

            Since it has become known to our twelve months volunteers that President Jeff. Davis has declined to receive more than six regiments of twelve months volunteers, we are glad to see that there is a commendable disposition on the part of our troops to enlist for the war.  By this means our ten regiments of State troops are being rapidly filled, and we doubt not that we shall be able to announce that the whole ten regiments are full and complete.  It was unfortunate that the call at first had not been alone for volunteers for the war.  While there is a strong probability that the war will not last more than twelve months, yet it may be prolonged for two or three years, and in that case our regular army at the end of one year would be as efficient as any regulars in the world, and would be invincible in the face of any force that the North could bring against it.



[Transcibed by Sharon Strout]