Hillsborough (NC) Recorder

July 31, 1861

Page 3


            OUR TROOPS IN VIRGINIA—Our readers must keep their eyes on our brave troops in Virginia.  Let our ladies and friends remember them.  Gen. Hill’s regiment, of course, is at Yorktown, and so is Col. McKenny’s.  Col. Williams’s near Norfolk, Col. Pender’s near Smithfield, Col. Daniel’s at Suffolk, Col. Stephen Lee’s, we hear, has been ordered to the valley of Virginia under Gen. Loring, the late Col. Fisher’s is at Manassas, also Col. Hoke’s, Col. Meares, and Col. Anderson’s.  Col. Pettigrew’s, Col. Stokes’, and Col. Clark’s regiments will leave for Virginia in a few days, making it all about 14,000 men.                                                                   --Raleigh Standard—


INCREASE OF THE ARMY—The Secretary of War of the Confederate States has recommended that 300 regiments of troops be called out.  It is understood that Congress will leave the number of regiments discretionary with the President.

VOLUNTEERS—There are about 1000 cavalry and infantry in camp at Ashville, N. C.  21 companies have been formed west of the Blue Ridge, and as many more can be had.

Albemarle county, Virginia, has furnished twenty-one companies of volunteers for the war.

The 2nd Ohio Regiment has delivered up its arms and gone home.  Several other regiments have already disbanded.

A doubtful rumor was in circulation that “John Cochrane and Lovejoy, members of Congress, who came to see the fight, were taken prisoners.”

The “contraband” articles captured included fine brandies and wines, with which the Federals probably intended to hold a jollification, after their victory.

The rumored capture of Gen. Patterson is unfounded.


[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]