Hillsborough Record (NC)

August 7, 1861

Page 2


From the N. C. Journal


            We present below the mournful catalogue of honored names belonging to the Sixth Regiment of N. C. Troops, who fell or were wounded by the side of their gallant, lamented commander, Col. C. F. Fisher, in the action on Sunday, the 21st of July, 1861.  The catalogue is officially correct, and may be relied on.


Col. Chas. F. Fisher, killed

Lieut. Col. Charles E. Lightfoot, slightly wounded


Company A—Capt. Kirkland, Commanding

KILLED: Privates Wm. D. Hanner, Barney Blesney

SEVERELY WOUNDED: 1st Serg’t. James Parsons, Private Barney Hughes

SLIGHTLY WOUNDED: 2d Lieut. Thos. A. Price, 3d Serg’t. W. W. Tarpley, Private

            Daniel Burns

MISSING: Charles W. Burroughs


Company B.—Lieut. Parish, Commanding

KILLED: Private VanBuren Oakley

MORTALLY WOUNDED: 2d Lieut. Wm. P. Mangum

SEVERELY WOUNDED: 2d Sergeant D. C. Roberts, Cor. Arthur S. Carrington

SLIGHTLY WOUNDED: Privates Allen Tilley, Wm. Ray, Gifford Lows


Company C.—Capt. Freeland, Commanding

KILLED: Privates John I. Hutchins, Robert Faulkner

MORTALLY WOUNDED: Private William P. Haley

SEVERELY WOUNDED: Serg’t. Albert W. Pickett, Privates James Redman, Hiram W.

            Vickers, Spencer B. Freeman, James Tupley, Silas Hutchins, William Shamblee,

            John E. Davis, Alison S. Glenn, Harrison Carden

SLIGHTLY WOUNDED: Privates Harrison Pickett, Owen W. Willett


Company E.—Capt. Avery, Commanding

MORTALLY WOUNDED: Private Joshua M. Sorrels

SEVERELY WOUNDED: Privates John R. Roberts, Jacob Thomas, Thomas L. Olin,

            John C. Freeman

SLIGHTLY WOUNDED: Capt. I. E. Avery, Serg’t. Jas. C. Howell, Privates Joseph

            Moore, Tilmon Vance, Andrew J. Davis, Brice McGee


Company F.—Lieut. Corben, Commanding

KILLED: Privates James P. Stewart, James Simpson

MORTALLY WOUNDED: Private William P. White

SEVERELY WOUNDED: Privates Ed. G. Thompson, William P. Younger

SLIGHTLY WOUNDED: Privates James G. Watson, Joseph B. Thompson, ear shot off


Company G.—Capt. Craige, Commanding

KILLED: Privates George Nash, Amos B. Corrihor, Jacob R. Corrihor, Jacob S. Smith,

            Jason D. Stetzer, John Hess, Jacob Sefrit

SEVERELY WOUNDED: Privates John Howard, N. L. Dixey

SLIGHTLY WOUNDED: Privates W. Rufus Owen, Henry W. A. Miller, Jacob W.

            Miller, Bartlett Allen


Company H.—Capt. Mitchell, Commanding

NOT DIRECTLY IN THE ENGAGEMENT: Private John W. Evans, head shot off


Company I.—Captain York, commanding

MORTALLY WOUNDED: Sergeants Hiram Sears, John W. Wilder. Private Joseph T.


SEVERELY WOUNDED: Private James H. Moring

SLIGHTLY WOUNDED: Private Joseph B. Ansley



Killed: 15

Mortally wounded: 7

Severely wounded: 25

Slightly wounded: 21

Missing: 1



A number of ____ ____ slight injuries, ____ ____ ____ in this report.


[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]