From The Greensborough Patriot

March 13, 1862 – Pg. 3


Battalion of Light Horse.—The undersigned having been commissioned by the President, to raise a Battalion of Light Horse for the war, calls upon the young men of North Carolina to come forward and volunteer for the purpose.  Let those who have good horses come and bring them to aid in the defense of the country.  Let those who have horses; who cannot come themselves, give or lend them to those who can come, and contribute material aid to those who would defend them in the enjoyment of their homes.  $144 per annum will be paid for such horse in the Battalion in two six months installments, they will be fed and cared for at the expense of the Government, and if killed in action the value of the animal will be paid.  Equipments for man and horse will be furnished, but each man must bring his rifle, gun, pistol and knife, or such arms as he has, which will answer until a uniform weapon can be furnished by the Government.

            Energy of action—action is what the country needs now, and the men of the country must show by readiness to come forward, the determination which actuates them never to be conquered.

            The Battalion will consist of six companies of sixty men each.  Volunteers will for the present address me at Halifax, N. C. until suitable recruiting stations can be established.


Lieut. Col. Cav. Prov. A. C. S. A.