The Greensborough Patriot

June 5, 1862

Page 3

Col. Z. B. Vance.

            The unanimity and harmony, which, in times of emergency, unite public opinion and preference, in their selection of a candidate for an important office, are often striking and imposing.  We find the people in our section, including the masses of the old parties, are anxious that Col. VANCE should be the next Governor of North Carolina.  The same feeling is manifesting itself over the State.  For ourselves, the only anxiety we have had, was that we should have an honest, able, prompt, and efficient Executive—one who would industriously study and quickly learn his duty, and efficiently and promptly perform it, without favor or partiality, discarding all envy, hatred or malice, soliciting no reward, but an approving conscience, but ready to award with just praise and attention, all who faithfully serve their country in this hour of trial and danger.

            We believe the masses are moving in the right direction.

            Mr. Vance is a gentleman of genius and ability.  He is industrious, vigilant, and active.  Ever ready, late and early, for labor and for service.  He has won approval and distinction in every position, to which the people have raised him.  We verily believe he will be impartial, no respector of persons, or parties.  But be as prompt to do all justice, as he will be to do his whole duty to his whole country.