From The Greensborough Patriot
July 3, 1862 – Pg. 3
Zeb. Vance.
When we shall have whipped the Yankees from Virginia, which we shall by the blessing of Providence do soon, their next attempt will be to make an advance into North Carolina. When this is attempted, the people of North Carolina desire Zeb Vance to be their Governor, and chief captain. In this struggle they feel that he will do and have done all that is necessary to make a complete and successful defence; that he will look to no parties, or partisans; that he will respect and cheer alike all who shall do their duty; that he will by practice show how to dispense with the baneful effects of party; that he will practice what he preaches, and that he will know nothing, and practice nothing, but that which in his honest judgment, may tend speedily and effectually to the securing of our independence, and the promotion of the liberty and true happiness of the people.