Greensborough (NC) Patriot

January 22, 1863

Page 3


For the Patriot

Casualties in 22nd N. C. Regiment, at Battle of Fredericksburg

COMPANY A.—Lt. W. B. Clark, in hand; Sergt. P. Barlow, in neck; Sergt. S. A. Dale, in foot; privates C. A. Grier, in arm; John Coleman, in hip; Wm. Estes, in hip, dangerously; G. L. Nelson, in breast, dangerously; Isaac Palmer, in arm; Henry Caffey, in arm; W. A. Single, in arm; John Badger, in side; W. A. Allen, in leg; G. H. Sider, in hip; L. J. Suderth, in hand; James Stallings, in leg; R. Deal, in hand.

COMPANY B.—Wounded, W. H. Reaves, through hand; S. Y. Baker, in arm; J. B. Jester, in head and shoulder; W. A. Dunn, in arm and shoulder; Richard Long, on arm and shoulder; A. L. Wade, stunned by explosion of shell.

COMPANY F.—Wounded, Lt. D. Edwards, through hip and wrist; Sergt. B. H. Edwards, on left shoulder.

COMPANY G.—Wounded, Sergt. R. T. Blackwell, in shoulder; M. R. Sartin, on side; privates J. H. Rogers, in foot; T. G. Robertson, in hand; R. Simpson, in head, all slightly.

COMPANY H,--Wounded, James F. Sanford, in knee, arm and shoulder; Wm. S. Joyce, in hip; Jerry Collins, arm broken; Pleasant H. Padgett, on hip; C. H. Joyce, in arm; Missing, James Fair

COMPANY I.—Wounded, D. Faulkner, in breast, slightly; Eli Johnson, in arm; Parsons Allredge, in hip.

COMPANY K.—Wounded, John D. Burgin, on shoulder; Alex. Yarborough, on hand.

COMPANY L.—Killed, Sergt. J. W. Luther; Wounded, H. D. Perry, in left eye; A. P. Hutton, in leg; C. C. Jones, in leg and shoulder; W. I. May, in arm.

COMPANY M.—Killed, Corporal S. W. Trogden; Wounded, Christian Foust, in shoulder; B. Y. Langley, in shoulder; James A. Webster, in side; James A. Allred, in head; Missing, Sergt. W. Pounds.

Total killed                                           2

Total Wounded                                    49

Total Missing                                        2


Killed, wounded and missing                 53

J. R. COLE, Adj’t.