Greensborough Patriot

February 26, 1863

Page 3


Correspondence of the Patriot

From the 45th Regiment

Camp 45th Regiment N. C. Troops

February 18, 1863

Messrs. Editors: North Carolina soldiers may fight and fight, and bear the brunt of the hardest battles, yet who sings or mentions their heroism, but kind zephyrs what sigh over their remains not over their graves, for they have none?  It ought not to be so, and so far as I am able, it shall not be, with you dear Patriot, as my medium.  The backwardness of our dear State has always been a jest to her sister States.  But high moral worth was always conceded to her.  Her laws are the fruit of wisdom.

But never did I feel so proud to be called a North Carolinian as now.  I don’t wish to make envious distinctions between Confederate Soldiers, and I yield to our brothers from other States, praises that could not be given to any foreign nations.  But if North Carolina soldiers maintain the position they have taken, generations to come will mention Spartan prowess as second to that of N. C.  If a “South Mountain” must be held against the whole Yankee army; if a “Malvern Hill” is to be drenched with crimson; if a “Seven Pines” is to be strewn with corpses, North Carolinians must be the victims.  Be mindful that we soldiers do not proclaim against this treatment.  No, we are proud to prove ourselves equal to any emergency.  Let me recite to one regiment, the 13th N.C.  That Regiment at South Mountain, was twice surrounded; and both times cut its way out, and it still fought on.

Other regiments have done as well and probably better than the 13th, but I mentioned that one as an instance.  While I speak of North Carolinians in general it will be my aim to speak of the 45th in particular, as the whole Regiment is from around Greensboro.

Now and then a new case of small pox breaks out amongst us, and for that reason I think it is advisable for our “folks” not to visit us much at present.  We have had but few tents since we came from Drewry’s Bluff, before Christmas.  But we had made log “hen houses” and had begun to roost comfortably, when last Wednesday morning, that cold snowy morning, ere Aurora had blushed at the approach of her spouse, we were aroused by marching orders.  We had to march through the rain and snow to Kinston to take Gen. Evans’ place—his brigade being ordered below.  Some of our absentee without leave are availing themselves of the leniency of Gen. Smith’s order of pardon.

OUTPOSTS, NEAR TRENTON, Feb. 21—Our flag that went down day before yesterday, came up by yesterday evening.  Several ladies went down by it.  The Yankees were pleasant.  One of the ladies touched our Lieutenant’s pants and told the enemy that this was the stuff—alluding probably to the pants, and the man in them.  Maj. Winston goes down this morning to meet a flag returning some pardoned prisoners captured a week or two ago, of which I informed you at the time.  The Yankees are quite still and hence no news.




[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]