Anderson (SC) Intelligencer
November 15, 1860
Page 2
Meeting on Tuesday Night
Court House was filled on Tuesday evening with the citizens of this town and
vicinity. The ladies were well
represented on this occasion. We must
briefly give the synopsis of the speeches made by distinguished citizens, and
forego making remarks of our own upon the meeting.
R. F. SIMPSON, ex-member to Congress was the first speaker. He was for a dissolution of this Union—had
been of the opinion for years that the North and South would have to
separate—nothing bound them together, and on the contrary, there was an actual
hatred existing. From present
indications, he thought there was no question of separate secession before the
people of South Carolina. The most
effective co-operation will be had, and if even Georgia went out of the Union,
he was satisfied to go with her.
JAMES L. ORR next addressed the meeting.
He had never before spoken on an occasion where graver issues were
presented; we were evidently upon the verge of revolution—it may be civil
revolution. He approved heartily of
forming companies, and would have South Carolina prepared by munitions of war
to meet any emergency—hoped that at a moment’s warning Anderson would march to
the defence [sic] of her rights and liberties. His policy and sentiment as a public man had
been conservative—desired to avert the issue upon us, and assumed none of the
responsibility of its coming. In 1850
resisted Compromise measures—thought then that co-operation was not at hand,
but that the feeling and sympathy in States adjoining were averse to
resistance. At this time, the advices
from Georgia, Florida and Mississippi, and the facts of the case, tend to show
that co-operation will be had. If the
leaders in Georgia are not deluding, she will join our State is secession and
come weal or come woe, she will be with us.
In this connection, he paid a glowing tribute to the patriotism of our
sister State. He believed, further, that
Alabama was ready to join in the movement, and in Mississippi the sentiment for
disunion had been ripening and growing stronger during the summer. He entertained strong hopes of Texas—the
recent outrages aroused all parties, and the “lone star” will be ready. Believes that other States will follow. When his conscience is satisfied that even
Georgia will go for secession, he will advise South Carolina to take the same
step. As Georgia goes, so will Florida, and
the same influence will be strong upon Alabama.
He believes that the indications for co-operation are unmistakable; but
if the other Southern States tamely submit to Lincoln rule, he reserves to
himself the right to pronounce against South Carolina going alone. In conclusion, he said that if Lincoln is
inaugurated, four years would not moderate the Black Republican party, and if
the South ever intends to resist, now is the time.
J. W. HARRISON, our State Senator, was called upon for an expression of his
views. He responded at length, and began
by remarking that he had been confident for years that the issue now before us
was coming, yet he was not prepared to realize it, as he had done when the
intelligence reached him that Lincoln was elected. He thought co-operation was certain, and
believed that we should bury old issues, and ____ for resistance by
secession. The States of Georgia,
Florida, Alabama and Mississippi would act with this, and he wanted South
Carolina to move on without dissension at the borders, to give them strength
and encouragement—was not anxious that South Carolina should lead, but was
willing for her to go behind, before or simultaneous, with any other State.
J. F. REED followed in a thrilling speech of half an hour. He was for resistance—had made progress in
secession during the past two weeks, and believed that South Carolina had taken
a step from which it would be disgrace for her to retreat. She must go out of the Union, and she would
rally beneath the folds of the Palmetto flag, and as each State is added, would
place another star to mark the action.
He believed that a Southern Confederacy would soon be formed, and that
no nation on earth would excel it in power, prosperity and resources. We cannot give the eloquent speaker justice,
and must simply congratulate him upon the high, patriotic grounds assumed by
him on Tuesday evening. He is for
resistance and strongly urged it by prompt secession from this Union.
WARREN D. WILKES made the last speech of the evening, and forcibly and
eloquently urged resistance to the bitter end.
He was among the foremost for secession, and ably presented the views
entertained by him.
regret that our crowded columns will admit of no other than a meager report of
the speeches of these distinguished gentlemen.
They were all warmly applauded whenever they referred to the secession
on South Carolina and the Southern States from this Union. If the auditory on Tuesday evening is any
indication of the feeling in this District, and we believe it is, Anderson will
be found marching firmly for resistance to the last extremity.
[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]