Anderson (SC) Intelligencer

September 11, 1860

Page 2


                                                For the Intelligencer

                                                    Gist Riflemen

            By order of Capt. H. J. Smith, a meeting of the “Gist Riflemen” was held on the evening of the 7th inst.  On motion of H. C. Hudgins, the following preamble and resolutions were read and unanimously adopted:

            Whereas it hath pleased Almighty God in the mysterious but All-wise dispensations of His Providence, to remove from our ranks our beloved friend and brother soldier, J. A. Thompson; and whereas it becometh us, at all times, to submit with humble resignation to the will of Him “who doeth all things well.”  Therefore be it

            Resolved, that in the death of brother Thompson, this Company has lost a true friend, a valuable member, and an able soldier.

            Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with his afflicted relatives in their sad bereavement.

            Resolved, That in token of our respect for our deceased brother we wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days.

            Resolved, That a blank page in our minute book be dedicated to his memory.

            Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the Anderson Intelligencer and Gazette.

                                                S. N. WILLIAMS, Clerk, pro tem

                                                Williamston, September 7, 1860


[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]