The Anderson Intelligencer

May 10, 1899



Death of Mr. J. H. Jones.



In the death of Mr. J. H. Jones, which occurred at his home three miles south of this city last Saturday morning, after an illness of several weeks, Anderson County loses another upright, worthy citizen, who was well-known and highly esteemed throughout the County, and whose memory will long be cherished by his many friends.  Mr. Jones was a native of Greenville County and was in the 72nd year of his age.  When about 20 years of age he moved to Anderson County, and later married Miss Louisa Dean, a daughter of the late Moses Dean.  Since that time he has made this County his home, and served two terms as a member of the old Board of County Commissioners.  He has recently served on the Board as Township Commissioner and was a member of the Building Committee of our new Court House.  Mr. Jones served his country in the civil war in the Hampton Legion.  He had long been a devoted member of the Baptist Church, and has gone to reap the rewards of a well spent life.  His remains were interred at Flat Rock Church last Sunday afternoon, the funeral services being conducted by Rev. Wm. Brown and Rev. J. B. Herron, in the presence of a very large congregation of friends and relatives.  A widow and six children survive him.