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MOBILE Register

MOBILE Register

June 30, 1861

Page 2


Our Charleston Correspondent

New Flag over Fort SumpterSouth Carolina Volunteers—Hampton’s Legion—Boykin’s Corps to Rendezvous at KingsvilleSouth Carolina Rangers—Three Companies of Irish Volunteers for the War—Beauregard Advancing on Washington—The Privateers of the “Savannah” on Board the Minnesota—The Episcopal Convention at Abbeville—Hot Weather

Charleston, June 25, 1861

            An elegant new Confederate flag was placed over Fort Sumpter on Saturday last, which greatly improves the appearance of this majestic fortress, and renders it a very conspicuous object from the city.  The armament of the Fort is about being increased by important additions, which will make it one of the most impregnable defences [sic] in this country.

            Governor Pickens offers to receive nine companies of Infantry to complete the organizations of the Second and Sixth Regiments of South Carolina Volunteers.  Each company must number not less than seventy-five, nor more than one hundred, aggregate.  They must bind themselves to enter the service of the Confederate States, unconditionally, for twelve months.

            Col. Hampton’s Legion are still encamped in the Sand Hills, 8 ½ miles from Columbia.  The Beaufort District Cavalry joined them on Saturday morning last.  There are still two more companies to arrive, to complete the Legion.  I visited their camp last week, while stopping for a day at Columbia.  I found our brave volunteers in good health and spirits, anxious to go on to Virginia as soon as possible.  It is not certain, however, that Virginia will be their destination.  Since my return to Charleston I have learned that there is some probability of the Legion being ordered to Missouri.

            The South Carolina Rangers met last night to select a uniform and arrange other business matters. A call has been made through the papers for three companies of Irish volunteers for the war.  The first company has been organized, and the other two are progressing.  They are encamped under Capt. Edward McCrady, at Hampstead Village, near the city.

            Col. Boykin’s corps is summoned to rendezvous at Kingsville, on the South Carolina Railroad, on the evening of Wednesday, 26th inst.

            The great battle to be fought in the vicinity of Washington is the prevailing topic here.  General Beauregard advancing towards the Capital absorbs the thoughts of our people, who are looking to the result of his march for something definite and terrible.  The forty-five thousand Federalists in his way will not retard the General’s progress.  It is said that Beauregard can concentrate sixty-thousand troops at a given point within a week.

            Speculations are rife as to the probable fate of the crew of the privateer Savannah of this city, now confined on board the Minnesota.  We cannot make up our minds here that Lincoln is so morally and mentally blind as to attempt to carry out the savage warfare which he threatens, or that his people will permit him to initiate a policy which must result in such bloody consequences to them as well as to us.  Some of his organs tell us that “the Government has decided upon a merciful course towards all armed rebels made prisoners by its forces.”  The war, they say, will be conducted on the most humane and civilized principles, and they do not propose to commence the hanging business of their side.  They think that reprisals will be made by us, and the war become one of murderous extermination.  In this they show their good sense.  Such a system of retaliation as the hanging of the meanest South Carolinian would bring about, will soon render the privateering business entirely distinct from piracy, and procure for all of our “rebels” the privilege of being treated according to the laws of civilized warfare.

            The Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church of this Diocese was in session at Abbeville C. H. two days last week, and after a harmonious session, adjourned on Thursday night.  Delegates were elected to the General Convention of Southern Dioceses to be held at Montgomery, Ala., on the 3d of July.  Resolutions were adopted protesting against the course of the “Northern brethren,” that used to be once, and declaring very decidedly the position of the Southern Church at this crisis.  The separation will be total, final and irrevocable.

            We are in the midst of a spell of scorching weather.  The thermometer ranges between ninety and ninety-seven.  At Columbia on Saturday it was over one hundred.  Sunday was still hotter.  In the evening a slight fall of rain with heavy thunder and lightning gave us a little temporary relief.  Yesterday was a creditable summer’s day and this morning well sustains its reputation.  All who can conveniently do so keep within doors, and leave out door business for a more propitious season.  I am writing now at great disadvantage, enduring the combined discomforts of oppressive heat and sharp biting mosquitoes, of which we have any quantity at this particular time.




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