Daily Courier
December 6, 1864
Page 1
Editors Courier—I
beg leave to annex the following contributions for the two weeks ending the 3rd
instant, in aid of the Soldier’s Wayside Home.
I take this method of soliciting provisions for the
Wayside Home. The Steward has not a
week’s supply on hand.
A member of the Rebel Troop 5.00
From Obie 5.00
George W. King 250.00
Rev. Dr. C. F. Jones, Glenn Springs, S. C. 14.25
(through A. W. T.
Louisa R. Jones, Isabella C. Dowe, Aiken, S. C. 100.00
(through Courier Office)
Collection at Plantersville, S. C. 170.00
Lewis D. Mowry & Co. 500.00
Mrs. Gen. Wayne, Aiken, S. C. from a Mattinee of Harp, 157.00
Piano, Flute and Voices
through Dr. Pankin
Capt. Reed, A. A. General 10.00
A Soldier 10.00
Dr. R. W. Gibbes, Surgeon General, Columbia 100.00
James M. Calder, Liverpool, through C.
T. Mitchell, Esq. 500.00
Treasurer of Soldier’s Wayside Home
Charleston, S. C.
by Sharon Strout]