Anderson (SC) Intelligencer

September 18, 1860

Page 3


            GEORGETOWNWe have been informed by the Captain of the Rifle Guards that Mr. Plouden C. J. Weston, has ordered from England, a Whitworth Gun, for the use of the Company.  In May last, Mr. Weston proposed to furnish this Gun, but for the want of a suitable building for its protection, his generous offer was not immediately accepted.  There are, however, at this time, subscription lists in circulation, for the erection of a Military Hall and Armory, to be used by the Volunteer Companies of the District, and the offer of Mr. Weston having been accepted, the Gun has been ordered.

            We congratulate the community that we have so efficient a Corps to use this formidable weapon, and must be permitted to express the hope that all our citizens, especially property holders, will feel privilege, as well as a duty to contribute towards the erection of a building in which the Whitworth Gun, howitzers, and other arms may be securely placed, for the protection of the general interest.

            --Pee Dee Times—


[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]