Hillsborough (NC) Recorder
Page 3
the bustle and excitement here, it is exceedingly difficult to get the correct
particulars of the great battle of to-day.
The enemy opened their batteries of heavy artillery and small field
pieces, at
The enemy’s force, as near as can be ascertained, was at least 50,000; our own but 20,000.
N. Y. Evans, of
the Southern forces prominently engaged, were Col. Sloan, 4th
Col. B. J. Johnston, of
Captains Earle and Echols were slightly wounded.
Men never fought more desperately than did ours to-day.
We have captured 18 pieces of artillery, also 300 prisoners.
The number killed and wounded cannot be ascertained with any accuracy, until to-morrow. Our loss is estimated at 200 killed and 300 wounded, while the loss of the enemy could not have been less than several thousand.
These figures, however, may be wide of the mark, for the line of battle was extended, and it was almost dark when the enemy gave way.
Washington Artillery, of
Oglethorpe Infantry, of
Col. Barlow’s fine Regiment of Georgians, were nearly annihilated.
Bernard E. Bee, of
Col. Wade Hampton was slightly wounded.
Gen. Johnston commanded the left wing, and Gen. Beauregard the right wing.
Reports that reach us here state that our force is no less than 75,000 men, all told, and that the enemy had over 100,000. These statements are probably exaggerated; but it is certain that the leaders on both sides had concentrated their whole available force to take part in the battle.
the officers known to have been killed, in addition to those I have named
above, is Kirby Smith, of
one time, during the battle,
[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]