Mobile Register
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from the
Col. Ford has received instructions to muster the forces under his command at this place into the service of the Confederate States.
Van Dorn has recommended to Col. Ford that he make his headquarters at some
point more centrally situated to his military district than
It is said that a very strong influence is at work to effect the removal of the customhouse from this place to point Isabel or Brazos Santiago.
understand that the authorities in
A. A. Moore, the first regularly commissioned Confederate States army officer,
arrived in this city on Saturday last from
learn from Col. Nickels, of
learn from the same gentleman that three Americans who had started from
Ringgold barracks, about the 5th of the present month, were fired
upon from the bush by a body of concealed Mexicans, at or near the Las Cuevas
ranche, and two of the party killed. The
other gentleman escaped and made his way beck to Ringgold barracks. The Las Cuevas ranche is a strong political
precinct to import fraudulent voters from
The steamer Mustang, Capt. Brown, came down the river yesterday and reports matters in confusion in the country. The killing of Sheriff and the shooting of two other Americans, is confirmed to be a Mexican, suspected of complicity in the man’s killing, was hung, and others are likely to die the same way.