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June 8, 1861

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            Operations in Texas.The following is from the Galveston correspondence of the N. O. Picayune, under date of May 30:

            Col. Van Dorn has issued his orders for the distribution of the troops for the protection of our northwestern and western frontier.

            Col. Henry E. McCulloch, with the 1st Regiment of Texas Mounted Riflemen, and Edgar’s battery of artillery, will occupy a line of _____ extending from a camp on or near Red River, opposite Forts Cobb and Arbuckle, to Camp Cooper, Fort Chadbourne, Camp Colorado, Fort Macon, and a camp at the junction of the North and m____ Conchas.

            Col. Ford’s 3d Regiment of Texas Mounted Riflemen will occupy the second line of defence, including Fort Bliss, near El Paso, Fort Quitman, Fort Davis, Camp Stockton, Fort Lancaster, Fort Clark, Fort Page, Camp Wood, and Fort McIntosh.  He will have also Teel’s company of artillery, McCallister’s infantry, and a battery of light artillery.

            Lieut. Col. Baylor, of the 2d Regiment, who is now at San Antonio, commands until Col. Ford arrives there.

            Lieut. Col. Baylor will, it is stated, take command at Fort Brown.  He ought to be on the Northern frontier, under McCulloch.  He knows every inch of that country and far into the Indian domain; the Indians fear him; the settlers regard him as their leader and his services would be infinitely more valuable there than at any point.  The Cherokees, Creeks and Chickasaws have sent to him to ask him to take command of their warriors, in case they are called on by the C. S. Government.  He was brought up among them, his father having for years held the position of surgeon to the old 7th Infantry, so long stationed at Fort Gibson, in the Indian Territory.

            Col. Van Dorn has administered an oath to all the U. S. soldiers held as prisoners of war at San Antonio—not to leave Bexar county, not to serve against the Confederate States, &c.  All except ten took the oath.  I understand he holds the officers for retaliation in case Lincoln treats any prisoners his force may take with undue severity.

            Col. H. E. McCulloch’s forces left San Antonio on the 27th for their respective posts.  Ford’s command, under Col. Baylor, will leave on the 3d June.

            Col. Ford retains command also on the lower Rio Grande.

            Gov. Clark will be here in a few days, and he is expected to remain a month.

            Our flags are at half mast in honor of the memory of Jackson, who shot Ellsworth, Lincoln’s bully.

            We are all drilling, and preparing to meet any enemy that may attempt to land on our island with at least 4,000 men.


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