June 21, 1861
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Twenty-One of the Enemy Bagged—The Loudoun county (Va.) Democratic Mirror, of Thursday, June 13th, has the following:
We learn from a reliable source that a skirmish took place on Friday last, near Williamsport, Md., between Capt. R. W. Carter’s Loudoun Cavalry and an advance party of Federal troops stationed on the Maryland side of the river. We have not learned the full particulars, though one informant states that the engagements resulted in the certain loss to the enemy of four men and five horses killed and several wounded. Our own injury was one horse killed and one man slightly wounded—though there were several “hair-breadth escapes”—a ball passing so close to the seat of reason of one of the Captain’s boys that it shaved the hair from the top of his head.
We learn that a Federal party, engaged in repairing the bridge at Springfield, on the Orange Railroad, was attacked by a posse of our troops on Saturday, and driven off, with a loss of seventeen men.
[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]