The Greensborough Patriot
Aug. 7, 1862
Page 3
Tribute of Respect.
Camp Lee,
Near Petersburg, Va. }
22, 1862. }
At a meeting of the “Guilford
Grays” Co. B, 27th Regiment N. C. T., the following preamble and
resolutions were passed, expressive of their deep sense of regret at the loss
of their brother and companion in arms, Corporal J. D. Collins, of Lynchburg, Va.:
It has pleased an over-ruling Providence
to take from us and many other sincere friends, which his kind and benevolent
disposition won for him, our late brother in arms, Corp. John D. Collins, who
died on the 17th inst., of typhoid fever contracted in camp. Therefore be it:
Resolved, That in the
death of this beloved soldier and gentleman, the company and the service have
sustained a severe loss, as he was truly a noble youth and good soldier. That he hesitated not when duty pointed out
the way, and shrunk from no duty however arduous, and avoided no danger, but
always acted nobly and bravely, and has died not less a martyr to our glorious
cause, because he died not on the battle field.
Resolved, That we tender to the family
and friends of our late companion in arms, our most heartfelt sympathy in their
bereavement and assure them that we shall ever cherish the memory of our brave
and beloved comrade.
Resolve, That a copy of the foregoing
preamble and resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased, and the Lynchburg, Va.
And Greensboro,
N. C. papers for publication.
Sgt. B. G. GRAHAM, } -
Priv. A. C. CHEELY, } Com.
“ R. B. WORRELL, }