Hillsborough (NC) Recorder

July 31, 1861

Page 3


            FROM THE KANAWAH VALLEY—One of Gen. Wise’s Aids, Col. S. D. McDearmon, has just returned from Charleston, Kanawah.  He reports that on Tuesday last, Captain Brock, of the Rockingham Cavalry, together with Col. Clarkson, charged about three hundred of the enemy, on the side of a mountain, twelve miles below Charleston, killing between twelve and eighteen of them.

            On the next day, Wednesday, between four and five o’clock, the enemy, amounting to 2,500, attacked our forces under Lieut. Col. Geo. S. Patton, commanding 800 men, at the mouth of Scarry Creek, fifteen miles below Charleston, on the Kanawah.  The enemy were repulsed with a loss of from 250 to 400 killed and wounded.  Col. Norton, of the Indiana Regiment, was wounded and taken prisoner.  Col. Woodruff, Lieut. Col. Neff, and Col. DeVilliers, of the 11th Ohio Regiment, together with two captains and a lieutenant, were also taken prisoners.  Lieut. Col. Patton was wounded.


[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]