Hillsborough (NC) Recorder
June 5, 1861
Page 4
From the Fayetteville Observer
POSTAL ARRANGEMENTS—The reader is referred to the Proclamation of the
Postmaster General of the Confederate States, in another column. We shall be glad to find that there is some
improvement in this branch of public service, which comes home to the business
and convenience of all. For the present,
there will be an addition to the cost of correspondence, but that we doubt not
the Southern public will submit to cheerfully for the sake of the cause. We learn from the Charleston Courier that:
published within the Confederate States, not exceeding two ounces in weight,
and sent from the office to subscribers within the Confederate States, are
charged as follows: weeklies, ten cents per quarter; semi-weeklies, double that
amount; tri-weeklies, treble that amount; papers published six times a week,
sixty cents, and dailies seventy cents.
published oftener than biennially shall be charged as newspapers.
bound or unbound, not weighing over four pounds, shall be charged at two cents
an ounce for any distance.
the rates specified above shall be charged upon all newspapers published beyond
the limits of the Confederate States.
franking privilege is abolished, except upon matter exclusively to the business
of the Postoffice Department.
letter registration system is also abolished.”